Far Chidchanok
A.K.A ladybetradies
Carpenter 🛠
Meet Far a carpenter from the streets of Thailand. Together Far and her partner have set up a professional company called 96Build where they specialise in home renovations and shop fittings.
Since 2014 when the business was established, Far has meet many challenges throughout the industry but drives her to push forward.
“People telling me I cant, just helps me push harder and SHOW that I can.”
I would say Far is one of those woman who brings her strong mind over matter approach with the mantra 'women can do whatever we want to do'. Proving that the trade isn't only for man. We push hard, we excel and we get up again. Don't have the attitude that's its only for men.
Far believes that trade work for women it is hard to do, but she believes that to get something you never have, you have to do something you never did. Amazing life goals.
Great job Far and can't wait to follow your journey.