Nikita Chee
Apprentice in Parks and Gardens 🌿 NGC - Nikitas Garden Care
Being a small town girl raised by a garden-loving mother and outboard motor mechanic father, I couldn't help but fall in love not only with plants and nature but dirty, nitty gritty, get-in-the-grind kinda work. So put those two together and you get a 2nd year 'Parks and Gardens' apprentice who aims to also get certified in landscape construction.
I have been working as a gardener for a company the last two years and just recently have branched out into my own maintenance business called 'Nikita' s Garden Care' or just 'NGC' for short.
“It's been really fun - challenging yet rewarding, starting your own business.”
Some clients really feel heaven sent in the way they encourage you, and that makes it all worthwhile! Now I'm tracking all of this journey on my new instagram account for the business and thanks to Kassy from trade Chicks, I have beautiful illustrations and avatars to make it come alive.
See you in the garden!